Does your skin need a low-carb diet? Research shows that sugar deposits may be the major cause of skin aging.
Wrinkles, sagging skin, and pigment deposits may stem less from the sun and more from sugar molecules that we make as part of the aging process. With no small amount of serendipity, scientists call these wrong-way sugars “AGE molecules” (the AGE stands for “Advanced Glycation End-products”). Unlike most other complex sugars, AGE molecules are not easily removed from the body, resulting in inflammation, damage, and aging. Yet there are natural products that can help to break up AGE molecules. Dr. Peter D’Adamo, world-renowned author of the New York Times Bestseller Eat Right For Your Type, developed Genoma Skin Care, a line of top-quality, all-natural products that specifically combat and remove AGE molecules, helping to restore your skin to a more youthful, healthy glow.
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